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Jewelry and Watch Repair in the Mint Hill, NC Area

Diamond and Gemstone Repair

Fine jewelry with loose, cracked, or missing stones, broken chains, or heavily tarnished metal may end up relegated to the bottom of the jewelry box and forgotten, not in wearable condition but too precious to toss. If this happened to any of your fine jewelry, bring it in to Morrison Smith Jewelers for world-class jewelry repair. Our in-house team of experienced jewelers can remove certain damage from gemstones, retip the prongs holding gemstones in place, or reset and replace loose or missing stones, helping return your beloved jewelry to an upgraded state, ready to be worn again.

Tidy Up Your Jewels

Well-loved jewelry often needs a deep yet gentle cleaning to get the dust of use out of the cracks to make it shine like new again. Depending on the piece, most jewelry can use a polish every one to three years. Rings with heavy use and durable stones, such as diamond engagement rings or wedding bands, may need to be cleaned every six months to a year. Earrings are likely to get spritzed and sprayed accidentally with hairspray or perfume that will build up surface residue and bacteria should be brought in yearly depending on use. Consider setting a standing appointment to clean your jewelry annually; the upkeep will be worth the rewards when you jewelry still looks good as new fifty years later.

Ring Resizing Services

Temperature, a change in seasons, and weight loss or gain can all make putting your favorite ring on or taking it off a bit more difficult. With our quick and affordable ring resizing services, you can have your rings back on your fingers where they belong in no time. Measured by our expert jewelers, the staff at Morrison Smith Jewelers will figure out your ring size and widen or shrink your ring accordingly. Not sure your eternity ring can be resized easily? We'll work with you to find a solution that works for you to get your beautiful ring back on your finger in no time.

A (New) String of Pearls

Even the most beautiful string of pearls will need to be restrung from time to time - as the necklace is worn, the pearls work with gravity to stretch the cord. When you start to see the unknotted string in your pearls, it's time to bring it in to be restrung. Pearls are strung on thin silk cord that breaks easily after a year or more of use. If you wear your pearls often, they should be restrung yearly; with less frequent wear they can last up to three years before the silk string starts to discolor and weaken. Prevent any unfortunate loss of pearls by being proactive in your jewelry care and set a yearly appointment with your jeweler to take care of your pearls and all your fine jewelry.

Choose Morrison Smith Jewelers for All Your Repair Needs

Whether you need new stones, a quick polish, a new watch battery, resizing, or restringing, rest easy knowing that you can bring your fine jewelry and watches to Morrison Smith Jewelers for their repairs and we'll take care of all the details. Our reputation is built on trust, experience, and a commitment to our customers. Visit our showroom in the Mint Hill area today to meet with our staff and experience our customer satisfaction guarantee firsthand.